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REN Skincare: Flash Hydro-Boost Review

REN Skincare: Flash Hydro-Boost Review

REN Skincare: Flash Hydro-Boost Review


Flash Hydro-Boost Review | I tried the REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost and this is my full review, with pictures. Cost, cruelty-free status, ingredients, skin type suitability, and of course, my results. #skincare #flashhydrate #crueltyfreeskincare #hyaluronic #reviewFlash Hydro-Boost Review | I tried the REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost and this is my full review, with pictures. Cost, cruelty-free status, ingredients, skin type suitability, and of course, my results. #skincare #flashhydrate #crueltyfreeskincare #hyaluronic #review


Introducing REN Skincare Flash Hydro-Boost

I discovered the REN skincare name through Birchbox last year, so I’ve been really excited to have been given the chance to preview and test the Flash Hydro-Boost.

This is theΒ perfect time for me to explore moreΒ beauty tools -myΒ skincare routine and products haven’t really changed much since my 20’s! Β I’ve tended to stick to or come back to the same rangesΒ fromΒ Clinique, whichΒ I mix up according to season. But,Β I’m getting to the bottom of my staples and my skin has changed through age, sleep deprivation and having a baby. Yup, life will doΒ that to your skin. So, I really have been really eagerΒ to start exploring new products for my changing, tired, 30-something Β face!

Why not sooner? MyΒ skin can be sensitive and having had terrible break outs from products in the past, I’ve been very cautious. But the other reason is, with so much on offer out there, I haven’t really known what else to try. That’s where REN Skincare have saved the day!

REN uses only 100% plant and mineral derived actives and is free from skin-unfriendly synthetic ingredients.

I’ve talked about this in a lot of posts, but I like to do my research and compare reviews before I can feel ready to commit to a new product. And, whilst price is a factor, I’m reallyΒ concerned with whether it’sΒ worth it? How long does it last? Do I like using it? Does it deliver as promised? And for beauty products: do I have time as a busy, working mum to actually use it?

Right now, I’m exhaustedΒ and it’s my sister’s wedding imminently, so I have lots of photos coming up and, of course, Β want to look my best. So with some excitement and trepidation,Β Β I thought thisΒ might be a good time to take the leap andΒ try a new product. I didΒ seriously consider postponing trying the Flash Hydro-Boost, in case my skin reacted. But, thankfully, that has definitely not happened. Well, not in a negative way anyway!

Flash Hydro-Boost Review | I tried the REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost and this is my full review, with pictures. Cost, cruelty-free status, ingredients, skin type suitability, and of course, my results. #skincare #flashhydrate #crueltyfreeskincare #hyaluronic #review

RENΒ Skincare

Before I got my paws onΒ Flash Hydro-Boost, I did a bit more digging on REN Skincare as a brand and have been really impressed. What I love about the REN SkincareΒ brand is the clean skincare ethos and that extends right the way throughout production, formulationΒ etc. They are a cruelty free brand, and almost all of their products are vegan. Something that I now want to extend throughout my whole beauty and makeup routine as I become more interested and aware of ingredients and production. Did you see our latest New Cruelty Free Beauty and Skincare launches YouTube video?

What are the active ingredients

I’m no pharmaceuticals or skincare expert, but I was really interested in what the ingredients actually are and what theyΒ do! Β Firstly, the bio extracts and what they do, sourced from the REN Skincare website and other reliable sources:

  • Hyaluronic Acid from Yeast instantly boosts water in cells to optimise levels and plump the skin
  • Germ Peptide from Carob Seed enables transport and circulation of water through all layers of the skin
  • Xylitol from Sugar captures surface moisture by forming natural moisturising factor components
  • Ceramide from Carthame Oil and Phospholipids from Soybean mimic an intercellular glue to form a barrier against water loss

Here is a full list of ingredients.

So, essentially all the ingredientsΒ are formulated to work together to bring hydration to your skin andΒ bring back some life, smoothness and some oomph. HenceΒ its use as an instant plumping emulsion. Sounds perfect!

What makes Flash Hydro-Boost different

TheΒ main difference to anything I’ve personally used is that it is activated by water, so you smooth it on, and then use water to really get the active ingredients working. They’re all products known for their moisture optimisingΒ properties, so togetherΒ with water, Β they become aΒ hydration boosting, skin-plumping super team.

The other thing is that youΒ can also use it under your usualΒ moisturiser. Before starting, Β I’d worried that this might make my skin feel clogged, but because the ingredients are ‘clean’, andΒ the product feelsΒ lightweight, Β I can see whyΒ you canΒ layer it with other products. Β I haven’t yet felt IΒ need to do this, as I have found that I am loving the effect on its own. But, as it gets cooler, I will try it with a moisturiserΒ and will let you know what difference that makes.


Β Which skin type?

Flash Hydro-Boost is suitable for all skin types.

Flash Hydro-Boost Review | I tried the REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost and this is my full review, with pictures. Cost, cruelty-free status, ingredients, skin type suitability, and of course, my results. #skincare #flashhydrate #crueltyfreeskincare #hyaluronic #review

How do you use it

You apply a small pump of the Flash Hydro-Boost to your face (and you really only need a little) and then add a little water to your fingertips. I got carried away the first time I used it, a little goes a long way! Β You’ll notice that it smells beautifulΒ too. But, theΒ fragrance is very light and it’s 100% natural. So, no nasties!

Then you massage that in in circular movements until it’s fully absorbed. Thankfully, it doesn’t take too long, et voila! I actually foundΒ onΒ first use, I was a little keen and my skin initially seemed a little sticky to touch and I panicked. But, fear not! Keep massagingΒ it in until fully absorbed – yourΒ skin will haveΒ an intensely moisturised feel and an almost silky veil.

Which means, it’s also a really good hydrating and illuminatingΒ primer.

Flash Hydro-Boost Review | I tried the REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost and this is my full review, with pictures. Cost, cruelty-free status, ingredients, skin type suitability, and of course, my results. #skincare #flashhydrate #crueltyfreeskincare #hyaluronic #review

The Results

Shield your eyes, a bare-faced selfie is coming! This is a big challenge for me and not one I’m sure I will repeatΒ online (gulp!), but I want to show you the glow! I am in front of a window for the best light. Of course!

I tried the REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost and this is my full review, with pictures. Cost, cruelty-free status, ingredients, skin type suitability, and of course, my results. #skincare #flashhydrate #crueltyfreeskincare #hyaluronic #review

“Skin is instantly plumped and regains a fuller, smoother appearance. Long term, skin is protected from the ageing effects of dehydration”.

I absolutely adore the effect. I can see a definite improvement in the quality and the way my skinΒ looks and feels. So much so, I was prancing around the house asking if I look 10 years younger! Apparently, not 10 years, but my skin “looks good”. I’ll take that!

I’ve had no adverse reactions, irritation or skin sensitivity at all, Β which is a major relief!

I tried the REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost and this is my full review, with pictures. Cost, cruelty-free status, ingredients, skin type suitability, and of course, my results. #skincare #flashhydrate #crueltyfreeskincare #hyaluronic #review

Does it work?

Yes, it works! Does it work on oily/combination skin? Yes, really well. It hydrates so well, yet it gives you a glow that doesn’t look or feel greasy. The moisturisation is long-lasting, soΒ when IΒ use it before bed, I can still see the effects in the morning.

MyΒ skin has definitely feltΒ and looked better hydrated, more luminousΒ and smoother Β – and it has improved the appearance of some of the lines I don’t like underΒ my eyes. I’ll come back and let you know if thisΒ improves further when I get to the end of the tube. That might be a while, as a little has done a lot so far.

The other big win is the positive impact that taking the time to spend a minuteΒ extra on my skin has had. To some people, Β spending a little extra time on their skin might be par for the course, which is obviously great. But for me, that has not been the norm as a new mum. Β So, it’s felt like the much-needed daily mini-pamper I talked about in Learning to Love my #selfie, which can never be a bad thing!

Final Thoughts

My final thoughts onΒ Flash Hydro-Boost? It’s done all the things it claimed so far! My only disclaimer is, Β as I mentioned, I do use it on its own, rather than with other products, as that works just fine for me. But, it certainly gets my recommendation!

It costs Β£34.00 for a 40ml tube. Check it out with the rest of the range: REN Skincare Flash RangeΒ and search #FlashHydrate.

Kat x

Have you tried REN Skincare products? Do you think you might be interested in trying them out in the future?Β 

Follow Kitty & B: Twitter | Facebook| Instagram | YouTube | Bloglovin’Β | Pinterest


Flash Hydro-Boost Review | I tried the REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost and this is my full review, with pictures. Cost, cruelty-free status, ingredients, skin type suitability, and of course, my results. #skincare #flashhydrate #crueltyfreeskincare #hyaluronic #review

I’ve linked up with #mumsthatslay |#brilliantblogposts |#EatSleepBlogRTΒ | #BloggerClubUK | #CoolMumClubΒ | #SharingtheBlogLoveΒ | #TriedandTested.Β Β Do check out the blogs!

Article Name
REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost Review
I tried the REN Skincare Flash-Hydro Boost and this is my full review, with pictures. Cost, ingredients, skintype suitability, and results.
Publisher Name
Kitty and B

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  • 8 years ago

    Fabulous, detailed & succint review!
    I like Ren too yet I’m a bit of a skeptic when it comes to products declaring they’re ability to penetrate the epidermis. However I would still have a go if only for the luxurious feeling on my face.
    I think we all know there’s no magic but hey it’s fun playing isn’t it?
    Michelle recently posted…Are little girls growing up too fast?My Profile

    • 8 years ago

      Thanks, lovely! I do try to include everything I would ask! ? I think a healthy level of scepticism is a good thing! I just love how my skin feels using it. You sound like someone in the know, I’m looking for an eye cream and have no idea where to start these days. If you have any, all suggestions will be gratefully received! ?

  • 8 years ago

    I’m hooked on Birchbox so many products so little time. I’ve never heard of Ren before but I’m going to research it now, I think I need it in my life πŸ™‚

    • 8 years ago

      I actually had to pause my subscription because there is no way I could get through all the products! ?? Definitely give REN a look, I’m just starting on a couple of new products and my hopes are high after this one! x

  • Kapinda
    9 years ago

    I am looking for a new moisturiser. I have very oily skin which needs loads of hydration due to being a parent ?. I might try that one.

  • 9 years ago

    It sounds like a really great product! I often switch up my skincare routine to include extra moisture in winter but not all the products I try are great for my skin, even if they do the job at hydrating. I’ll need to keep this one in mind. More natural in skincare is always good! πŸ™‚

    Hope you’re having a great weekend πŸ™‚

  • I love Ren skincare, it’s genius and does exactly what it says on the box. May have to check this out as I certainly miss the glow of my pre-mummy days! haha Thanks for linking up on #MumsThatSlay and hope you enjoyed your sister’s wedding.

    Yvadney xx

    • 9 years ago

      It really does! I’m glad so many other people love it too – I’m getting so much inspiration of what to buy next! Your latest 1 minute makeup video look is amazing! Still rocking it! ?Wedding was ah-mazing. Still feeling the sense of anti-climax! ? #mumsthatslay X

  • I have quite sensitive skin too but have got on really well with a few REN products in the past. I use a few products with different acids too and it’s so effective for giving your skin that refreshed glow. This sounds really interesting the way it works with the water to activate, it sounds like a lovely way to prep and prime your skin to give it a smoothness and a lovely glow. I’ll try and get a sample next time I’m browsing! Thanks so much for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    • 9 years ago

      Definitely look for a sample, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed! There are loads of offers on at the moment, too. I am truly amazed at how it didn’t make my skin react at all. Usually any change brings some kind of reaction, even if it’s short lived. A different product for me with the water activation, but it works, so I’m thrilled! Thanks for stopping by! #sharingthebloglove

  • 9 years ago

    This sounds awesome – I haven’t heard of the brand but will definitely keep an eye out for it, thank you. Kaz x

    • 8 years ago

      Thanks Kaz. I used to be Kaz, too! ☺️ Yes, I’ve had loads of recommendations now on what to try next so I will be adding them to my Christmas list! x

  • 9 years ago

    I’ve never tried REN but you’re review makes them sound pretty impressive. I need products for more sensitive skin, this sounds perfect.

    • 8 years ago

      I am totally sold on them now! Funny, but everyone is telling me how much they love them now, I wish I’d known years ago! I still have no irritation at all, so I am really pleased. Would definitely recommend a go! x

  • 9 years ago

    I am a BIG fan of REN products ever since I had my first REN facial many years ago…they really are fab and do wonders…this one no exception I’m sure! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely x

    • 8 years ago

      Ooh, a REN facial, now that is something I need to look into. I don’t think I’ve ever had a facial. I’m trying out one of their masks next and I can’t wait to see how that works! x #coolmumclub

  • Wow your photos are fab. Would love to try this brand.

  • Silly Mummy
    9 years ago

    I’ve never used REN products, but have heard they are good. This one sounds great – I always go for the products that hydrate and make skin glowy. (Lucy/R is for Hoppit)

  • Kerry Norris
    9 years ago

    I’ve never heard of ren before. Great that the product is for all skin types. Your skin in the bare face selfie is beautiful!! X

    • 9 years ago

      What a lovely comment! Honestly, I had serious anxiety about posting it, so I feel quite proud of myself as I hate going completely bare-faced in public! ? But, I had to make an honest review and I genuinely love this product and think it’s definitely made a difference! Hurrah! ?

  • 9 years ago

    I have never tried any of the REN range but i will definitely be looking out for them in the future now!

    • 9 years ago

      You really should! I thank Birchbox for introducing me last year. Their products just seem to be consistently good! X

  • Mariam
    9 years ago

    I’m a big fan on REN. I’ve been using their clarimatte face wash and day cream for a while now and it’s made a huge difference to my skin. This sounds like it’d work great under a BB cream. Will be giving it a try!

    • 9 years ago

      Ooh, I must look out for that! I feel like I wish I’d known them years ago as I have been so impressed. Under a BB cream is a great idea. Have you got any you’d recommend? xx

      • Mariam
        9 years ago

        I use the Nars tinted moisturiser. It’s not marketed as a BB cream but it does have similar properties. Just the right amount of tint, it’s fairly moisturising and it’s got SPF.

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