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The Ultimate Designer Shoe Dupes

The Ultimate Designer Shoe Dupes

Designer Shoe Dupes| £8 - £41

I filmed a Shoe Haul recently and it struck me that actually I should have done it as designer dupes. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted some footage (waahh!)! But, all is not lost as I decided to re film and make the focus affordable designer shoe dupes.

I love how the high street and online retailers pick up designer trends and make them accessible to everyone and I have found some amazing designer dupes that are £41 or less. So, there's a Valentino Rockstud dupe for £41, a Chanel dupe for £8, a Gianvito Rossi dupe for £16 and, a little random, but a Hunter wellies dupe for £39.95 (I got mine for £16.95 in the sale, see the post: Joules Sale Haul)

The main designer shoe dupe that inspired me was the ones that I get the most love for and that I have written about twice already on this blog: Valentino and Chloe vs Boden and Very and also Chanel and Rockstud inspired modern vintage chic.

I also have to give a shout out to Kapinda as I found the Chanel dupes over on her blog: Kapinda Butler. Thanks my love!

A new YouTube video at last!

So, I've put together a lookbook and a bit of chatty haul and styling video so you can see the 4 shoes that I have picked out to showcase - as I said, they range from £8 to £41! Considering their designer counterparts retail up to £680, I am pretty pleased!

Because I love you so much, I've done a bit more digging and I've also linked alternatives to the ones I have, which are below. Enjoy!

Hopefully you've noticed that I've changed my camera after I had a bad time with the Nikon D3300. I took it back (3 times) and now I'm using my new 4k bridge camera that I absolutely love and it is a dream to film with. So, let's hope I can be a bit more consistent with uploads now. Let me know what you'd like to see on our YouTube channel and I'll pick the most requested to film.

Click the cog to watch in HD, as it looks so much better when you do!


Gianvito Rossi Dupes and Originals





Rockstud Dupe and originals

Mine are these Boden Heels and there is a flat version on sale, too!

Boden Ashley Heel Chanel Inspired Modern Vintage Chic with Rockstud dupes Kitty and BBoden ShoesBoden shoes

Here are some alternatives:


Chanel Dupe and original

Chanel dupe £8

Chanel original c.£450



Hunter Boots and Dupes

Joules Welly

Field Wellies


There's a Hunter Sale on, with boots from £39. Otherwise, here are some originals. 



What I'm wearing in the video:

Denim Jumpsuit
Lace cami
Bag colourblock
Black/Tan bag (OLD)
Scarf: Old, but lots of alternatives from £4.50 from Lush, which is where it's from.


Designer Shoes Dupes Header Image Kitty and B

The music

I found the awesome music on Soundcloud and got permission to use it:



Follow Kitty & B: Twitter | Facebook| Instagram | YouTube | Snapchat (KittyandB)| Bloglovin' | Pinterest


I'd love to know which are your favourites? Have you seen or blogged about any other great dupes? Let me know! x

I've linked up with #mumsthatslay | #iwillwearwhatilike | #brilliantblogposts | Classy Monday | Hello Monday | Shoe and Tell |#EatSleepBlogRT#MMBH | Your YouTube



Designer Shoe Dupes
Article Name
Designer Shoe Dupes
This post and video is 4 awesome designer shoe dupes from £8-£41! Rockstud dupe £41, Chanel dupe £8, Gianvito Rossi dupe £16, Hunter dupe £39.95!
Publisher Name
Kitty and B

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  • Margaret Gallagher
    5 years ago

    Wow they all look amazing – the only difference is price ! LOVE LOVE LOVE

  • […] buying my own Joules wellies and sharing them in the designer dupes shoe haul video, I decided to get these Joules wellies for B, too in the sales a couple of months […]

  • […] A lot of the accessories we’re wearing now, I bought in the sales last year! They’re available again. But they’re full price. Insert smug smile here! Have a look at what I bought from Joules. You’ll also see the Joules wellies I bought for £16.95 (as an alternative to Hunter wellies) in our designer dupes shoe haul post and video, which has been really popular!  […]

  • […] Designer shoe dupes and alternatives under £55/$45 […]

  • 8 years ago

    I love those wellies!! Actually I love all of the shoes you featured.
    I’m currently looking for more rain boots. 🙂 I’m totally going to look into Joules. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing! #mmbh

    • 8 years ago

      Thanks my love! They have such a good range and I think they look every bit as stylish as Hunter boots. They’re pretty good with sending out offers on their mailing list, which is where I tend to find my best bargains! #MMBH x

  • Kapinda
    9 years ago

    Awwww thanks for the shoutout hun! I need to get back to blogging soon though. I am inspired ? I love your videos looking forward to more of them hopefully the camera works out well x

    • 8 years ago

      Sorry for the delay, lovely. We’re getting ready to move house! Please do get back into it. Love reading your blog! Thanks for the support, it always means a lot! ??

  • 9 years ago

    could never afford designer shoes… but these are fab

  • Toni | Gym Bunny Mummy
    9 years ago

    Although I love shoes I just can’t justify buying designer shoes anymore, now we have kids & I work from home I’d just never get the wear out of them

    • 8 years ago

      That’s something I realised very soon after having B – my shoe (and spending) style changed very dramatically. Nice to have a few, more affordable treats instead though! ?x

  • 9 years ago

    The highstreet versions look great, I do love designer shoes but cant justify the price tag since becoming a mum x
    Newcastle Family Life recently posted…Coping With Baby ColicMy Profile

  • 9 years ago

    Love the look of those shoes! Great prices as well. xx

    Thaanks for linking up to #EatSleepBlogRT
    Rachel Bustin recently posted…A Letter to my Dear Baby GirlMy Profile

  • 9 years ago

    High street is always copying designers. It’s a great way to get a trendy item for a fraction of price. However most times the quality is appalling but I guess what can you expect for the price like this.

  • This is a fab post. The shoes look great.

  • 9 years ago

    Ahhh this post is fantastic! I love a designer looking shoe at a high street price!

  • Aurelie
    9 years ago

    You gotta love dupes! All the shoes look amazing..I would not mind a pair or two…or more

    • 9 years ago

      ?? That’s my problem – I had to tell myself that was enough. But, I kept finding more! I’ve stopped…for now! ?x

  • 9 years ago

    Why pay more when you can pay less I say! These are fab dupes thanks for sharing

    • 9 years ago

      Too true! So many great dupes out there that are actually well-made, it would be rude not to check them out! #coolmumclub

  • Tamara
    9 years ago

    These dupes are just amazing!


    Tamara – LoveofMode.com

    • 9 years ago

      Aren’t they! Pleased with what I found! Love your latest post with the embroidery. I am definitely going to try that! X

  • Sheila Reeves
    9 years ago

    I’m really tempted by the Boden ones now, I need shoes for my nieces wedding and none I’ve tried so far have been right, not comfy, either too flashy or too dull – I’m just worried they might be a bit high for me, normally wear flats now so got out of the practice of heels!

    • 9 years ago

      Hello lovely. I almost wore them to my sister’s wedding last week, but it was all a bit muddy, so I had to leave them in my case. Boo! But, I can say that they are definitely comfortable. The heel isn’t too high and the ankle straps certainly help, too! I have had so many compliments from people of all ages on them, so I am REALLY tempted to get the navy, too! Oops! Haha. xx

  • Oh my gosh this is the best post ever. Love the plexi shoes, as soon as my foot injuries healed I will have to treat myself to some glamorous feet candy. Great post! Thanks for linking up on #MumsThatSlay Yvadney x

    • 9 years ago

      Oooh, sounds painful! Hope you feel better soon. It’s been so long since I’ve worn heels and I have to say, it feels good! Haha. The plexi ones are actually comfortable, for a heel of that height. £16! Ridiculous! Heading over to your Autumn jacket edit now. Yessss!

      #mumsthatslay x

  • Lou
    9 years ago

    Oh my goodness I caved in and got the boden ones- fantastic post and you happened to be looking at one of the styles I was lusting over so the purchase was a no brainer! Thank you Kitty for your post and so glad I found your site again! 🙂 although my bank manager may not agree in time!
    #mumsthat slay

    • 9 years ago

      Hi lovely. Sorry for the delay. I have been on Maid of Honour duties! Yay, did you get the navy or the beige? I love mine so much, I’m tempted to get the navy, too. My bank manager has disowned me, I think! Oops! #mumsthatslay xx

  • 9 years ago

    Amazing post Kitty. I’ll check out the YouTube video soon. I love your dupes! After buying designer shoes pre-mummy days I’ve now realised the shoes I actually love the most are from the high street. You can still find great quality shoes without the big name. Although I do prefer leather shoes as they always seem a bit more comfortable for me and my size 7s! Gosh I still need to start my YouTube clips. Maybe you could be my coach!!! 😉 #mumsthatslay
    Sunita recently posted…Lucky Things Music: Hip-hopping at FUN DMC, Cargo in ShoreditchMy Profile

    • 9 years ago

      Thanks, lovely! I am the same as you – on maternity leave, I started to look more to the (online) high street and there are some amazing finds out there and places I never thought of looking before. I am always wary of the quality and comfort, but so far, I have been impressed. The Boden ones are the best in terms of quality as they are suede leather, so they’re a more durable and comfy option. But, I have to say, the others are not bad at all and are all comfortable so far. I’ll be trying the pink plexi ones on Friday night and so that will be a good test! Would love to see your YouTube vids – please do some beauty vids! ???x

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